Music has been in my blood for as long as I can remember. As with most children, my introduction to music was in kindergarten when I was given the opportunity to learn the recorder. This eventually led to my parents sending me to piano lessons at the age of 9.

By the time I was in my teens, music was well and truly part of my life. While my parents didn't play any instruments, there was always classical and Chinese music playing in the house. At the age of 18, I began to take up an interest in composing and wrote the melody for my very first song, Bush Aussies (which you can find in my Theme Song Showcase).

When I left home, I eventually took up playing the flute and my thirst for composition became even more so when I found out my husband was also a song writer albeit in the metal genre. With the encouragement of my husband, I began to compose more complex pieces which you now hear on this site. I hope you enjoy them!
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